Goodbye 2020... Hello 2021!

A Note From Sam

I think we can all agree that we’re looking forward to the great things that will come in 2021!


Here are a few lessons we learned in 2020 that I’m holding onto this year:

Keep moving ahead:

Gault has been around a long time – since 1863. We’ve survived economic depressions and wars. We’ve enjoyed the highs of expanding the business and the growth of our family. And today, just like in the past, we continue to take one day at a time with the ultimate goal in mind – YOU FIRST.

Stay positive:

It would have been easy to focus on the sad and discouraging news on TV and in papers daily. Instead, I challenge you to look for what’s worth celebrating, what’s heartwarming and good for the soul - we can all use a little more light and levity in our lives in 2021.

Embrace change:

I can’t remember the last time our business had to be as flexible as it is today! We’re constantly adjusting our business practices for the safety and wellbeing of our employees and customers. With more people home, we’ve even had to expand some of our teams, practically unheard of lately!

If 2020 was a year where we had to roll with the punches, I hope 2021 will be a year of accomplishment.

Happy New Year,

Sam Gault


Gault Family Companies