Left to Right: Megan Donaher, Brendan Donaher, Sam Gault, Bill Gault, Meredith Donaher, and Jim Donaher
As we head into the ‘most wonderful time of the year’, my last Sam’s Note this year is, unfortunately, one of a more somber tone. As many of you know, my father passed away unexpectedly at the end of July. He was in his 90th year and still living life to the fullest.
It’s been a big adjustment not only for my family but the entire Gault team as he was a huge presence for so many even in his ‘retirement’ years. As a man of consistency, he visited the office every day (at just about 10 A.M.) to make his rounds, do a little business, and chat with the team; we are all finding his absence difficult.
I am incredibly fortunate to have had the unique experience of working alongside my father for my entire career. He was a visionary during his tenure and strengthened the foundation of the Gault businesses through hard work, integrity, a commitment to quality and service, and a workplace built on trust, collaboration, and respect. All principles we still live by today.
Through this difficult time, we have found comfort in so many reaching out with wonderful memories and notes, and I sincerely thank you for that.
And to Dad - you are and will be truly missed by so many, every day. I am grateful for the time we had together and lucky to have had such an amazing father.
Sam Gault
Gault Family Companies