Happy Birthday Dad!

Bill’s 90th Birthday!

My sister Ginger, Dad, Me and my wife Nancy at our big 160th Celebration.

If you followed along with us last year, you’ll remember our yearlong celebration of our 160th anniversary. This year, we have another major milestone to celebrate as my Dad turns 90 in August!

It’s moments like these that cause me to pause from the busy day-to-day and reflect on our times together. My Dad was the fourth generation to lead the company, taking it over from his father in the late 70’s. Although he “retired” a while back, he still comes by the office every single day and is a major figure of our family business. Believe it or not, we still have many team members that worked with him back in the day and each have the same sentiment of him as a leader; he was down to earth, hardworking and a straight shooter.

As for me, working with my Dad is one of the fondest times of my career. He gave me the freedom to make decisions, try new ideas and most importantly make mistakes which lead to some of the greatest lessons I’ve learned in business. Of course, I look up to him on many levels personally as well and can only hope I am as active and put together as he is at 90!

For those that have crossed paths with my Dad or know him well, if you wish to send him a birthday note, please reach out at asksam@gaultfamilyco.com or PO Box 2030, Westport, CT 06880 and I’ll be sure to pass your message along.

Be well and stay cool this summer,
